About Us
Consolidate and lead the national market as the top international choice in the commercialization of precious and non- ferrous metals, expanding the number and scope of our operations; offering competitive prices, differentiation and constantly improving our quality assurance.
Establish ourselves as a highly competitive company, strengthening and innovating at the forefront of our infrastructure at the national level.
Renew ourselves according to the international scenario, to anticipate and efficiently meet the needs of our customers. Achieve a greater and growing participation in the international markets for the sale of precious and non-ferrous metals.
Renew ourselves according to the international scenario, to anticipate and efficiently meet the needs of our customers. Achieve a greater and growing participation in the international markets for the sale of precious and non-ferrous metals.
Guide and inspire capable people, with initiative to excel.
Focus the company's efforts in order to achieve excellence, continuous improvement and transmits it upon the client.
Our lines of action are founded on the pillars of honesty, loyalty and responsibility.